Thursday 11 April 2013

Cheese Tarts


10g Butter
125g Cream Cheese
30g Icing Sugar
1/2 Egg
1tsp lemon juice

Method of Cooking:
Beat butter, cream cheese, icing sugar till fluffy and add in egg.
Place the Cheese paste into pipping bag and pipe onto the baket tart pastry.
Bake at 170'c for 10 -15 mins.

For Sweet Pastry Ingredients:
50g butter
30g softening
6g milk powder
35g icing sugar
170g plain flour
1g salt
1 egg (beaten)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Method of cooking:
sift the flou and milk powder.
Rub in butter and softening ; add in icing sugar and salt
Add in egg mixture to be a dough
Rest in the chiller for about 20 min
Roll it out and cut into circle
Put in a greased tarts pan
Bake in preheat oven at 180'c for 20-25mins

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