Monday 18 March 2013

Vanilla Sponge Cake & Peach Mousse Cake

Vanilla Sponge Cake
125g Sponge Mix Flour
2 eggs
25g Water
25g Oil

Method of Cooking:
Mix the sponge mix flour, eggs and water in a mixer and beat it till light and fluffy. Put Corn Oil and mix well. Pour it to cake mould and bake at preheat 180'c for 30-40mins

Peach Mousse Cake 

Sponge Cake (Cut in 2 Layer)
1 egg york
5g gelatin
65ml water 
150g whipping cream 
125g peach puree 
some pure peach 

Method od cooking:
1- Beat egg york
2-Use double boil to dissolve gelatin and add in the beaten egg york and puree when gelatins is abit cool down. (Feeling Warm) then stir well (A)
3- Beat the whipping cream with mixer then pour in the ingredients A and fold it slowly. 
4-Cut the sponge in 2 -3 layer then pour the cream layer by layer and put fresh peach on top of the cake. Keep in chiller until firm. Gardish with Peach after Chilled.

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